Until recently, I hadn’t given much thought to my personal learning style or how I acquired new skills and knowledge. This includes learning to use a computer, developing writing abilities, and mastering other competencies. However, during the 2023-24 academic year, I was introduced to the concept of reflective practice, which encouraged me to examine my learning processes.
This year, I came to understand my own learning process, which I’ve detailed in my post, “Creating Own Reflective Cycle” My process aligns with the typical human learning process.
This reflective practice module has altered several aspects of my routine, as follows:
- It refreshed my WordPress skills. Each task in each module required us to write a reflective blog post, indirectly requiring planning, resource gathering, drafting, and creating thumbnails for the post. These were tasks I performed while working on my own Gaamayan’s blog. After a two-year hiatus, the reflective practice tasks demanded this workflow once more, and I’m now utilizing my previous experience again.
- I learned to manage my tasks. At first, I was randomly selecting task topics and writing posts about them. When I realized I was falling behind schedule, I revised my strategy and kept better track of my tasks, which helped me complete them on time.
- I’ve started making task lists. While I’m not comfortable calling it a to-do list, since I’m not confident in ticking off all the boxes, I prefer the term ‘task list’. Even if I don’t complete all the tasks, I can now usually complete eight out of ten tasks from my list, and that definately gives me statisfaction. Even I have made a to-do list for all blog tasks in the begining of this year & I was able to finish all tasks on time.
Thats how Reflective Practice refreshed my WordPress skills, improved my task management, and encouraged the use of task lists.
In conclusion, during the course of the 2023-24 academic year, I was first introduced to the concept of reflective practice. This was a transformative experience as it allowed me to delve deeper and truly understand the intricacies of my personal learning process. While the initial stages posed significant challenges, largely due to the unfamiliarity of the concept, I was able to navigate through these obstacles with determination and tenacity. The tasks were complex and required a lot of introspection, but I was able to successfully complete most of them. The sense of accomplishment I felt upon the completion of these tasks was immense, giving me a deep sense of satisfaction. This achievement not only boosted my confidence but also reaffirmed my belief in my capabilities.
Here I am embedding my Final Presentation File, Which also can be downloaded by the link mentioned below.
- Todd, C.J. (2023). 10 Powerful Benefits of Using a To-Do List. [online] www.morningedge.co. Available at: https://www.morningedge.co/p/10-powerful-benefits-of-using-a-to-do-list.